Larry and Carmina Chapp are Catholic theologians with a mission. Larry is a retired college professor, having taught theology at DeSales University for twenty years. Carmina has been involved in Catholic education and seminary formation for over twenty years and is currently heading a Catholic academy for homeschooling familes. Neither had any farming experience when they felt called to start the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Farm. Both are Oblates of St. Benedict, committed to living a life of simplicity and practicing the works of mercy.
Hank is Carmina's brother and the best farmhand in Northeastern PA. He moved to the farm in the Spring of 2015 to discern a monastic vocation and decided to stay. The Benedictine life of prayer and work suits him just fine.
Leo our border collie and Maggie our cocker spaniel serve as the Welcoming Committee. Every guest is greeted with an enthusiastic display of happiness!